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Sunday, September 6, 2009

3 in the morning

It is 3 a.m. in the morning and believe me, i am not that kind of person who will choose 3am in the morning to write my blog. It is just i still cannot sleep and i have a sudden feeling to write a post.

Back to 2 months ago, while i was just new in UNITEN, i knew nothing about what i would face here. Believe it or not, i thought that the offer letter given by JPA was a guarantee for me to fly to US;how naive i was! SAT,TOEFl,Physics,Math everything comes so sudden in my life,and as a stupid fellow,i did nothing to prepare for the pitfalls-stupidity number one(fail to recognise the precariousness in your life is tantamount to kill yourself, in this contest, i would rather say is burn your ticket toUS)

Anyway, now is 3.08am and i'm still haven't slept(busying with msn,facebook and above all,blogging),somewhat, i feel like i am running away from the reality of life-SAT. Sometimes, i wonder whether get a good score in SAT will confirm my flight in first year,however, the "reality" tell me if i don't score it well, i certainly cannot fly.

Actually today is the first time i officially write about my feeling in blog, i don't know i will like it or not-in the future(maybe start from tomorrow,i'll regret why i post it),but at this moment,i appreciate it.

It is 3.12 ady, and i'm going to end it ady,hopefully you all will enjoy this post,anyway,before i forget, i wish our classmate(cc) has a nice birthday today. 18 is a special year and i sincerely hope that this year will be a sweet 18 for him. bye......