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Thursday, September 3, 2009

SAT is like your lover,why?check this out

As i said,i did quite a number of lessons of SAT in mc graw hills.Believe me, they are useful.Even though i just did the sentence completion part, i think i still got a lot of things to share with you all.

       In the lessons,they teach me how to tackle with your vocab part.Instead of knowing all the vocabs, why not we try to answer it using the skills.It may not work all the time, but it will work most of the time.As i went through their lessons, i found that we can get the answer by understanding the sentence.Besides, we can also look at the structure of the sentence like contrast,support,cause and effect,definition or explanation.Even a colon or semicolon also can help you.That is why i always think that SAT always has her own power.

        Critical reading?!?sorry i have nothing to share with you guys about it so far,but i am going to start it this week,so if you are interesting in it ,you may visit my blog again.

        As i say, SAT is like a lover,the more you "flirt" with her, the more you like and understand her.However, i  wonder is she like an ordinary girl,the more you stay with her, the more you cannot "tahan",finally what you can do is say "byebye" to her..........